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How do I show my insurance company that my claim is valid?

There are a number of different things that you can do in order to show the insurance company that your claim is valid.

Remember that insurance companies are not on your side. You need to stand up for yourself and stand firm on you claim.

Do not accept less compensation than you deserve for your insurance claim.

Get the insurance information of the other driver and call the police if necessary

This may seem obvious, but following an accident, you should make sure that you exchange information with the other driver that was involved in the accident. If you do not have the insurance information, you may never be able to make a claim.

Many people who are involved in accidents state that they will pay for the costs associated with the accident out of their own pocket. Remember that sometimes this will not be possible. At first glance, the damage that was done to your car and the injury to your person may not seem to be substantial.

However, once you take your car into a mechanic and once you visit a doctor you may realize that you have been injured more substantially than you thought.

If the other driver is refusing to exchange information to you then you may need to call the police. The police will also be able to file a police report which can be submitted to the insurance company.


Directly after the accident you should make sure that you write down what happened to you. This information can be submitted to the insurance company to help support your version of events. You should also journal any emotional trauma that you are suffering in the aftermath of the accident.

This can help you prove that you are entitled to damages for emotional suffering.

Go to a Doctor

If you have been in a car accident the best thing you can do is go to a doctor. You should do this even if you feel completely healthy. This is because of a lot of injuries do not appear until days after the accident. Your medical records can also be used to support your injury claim against the insurance company.

You may also need to see a psychologist. A psychologist will be able to assess the emotional trauma that you suffered in the accident.

Follow the directions of your Doctor

You need to follow the directions of your doctor. If you do not follow the instructions the insurance company will likely claim that you made your injuries worse. This means that they may claim that you were comparatively negligent.

If the insurance company makes this claim they will likely attempt to reduce the damages that you receive. The best practice is to follow your doctor’s instructions after an auto accident.

Take pictures of the accident

If you were in an accident, you should make sure to take pictures of the accident. These pictures can be used later in the event that you need to file a claim against the insurance company.

This will help the insurance company put together what happened in the accident.

Do not Admit Liability to the Insurance Company

The insurance company is likely to want you to admit fault for the accident in a recorded statement. You should make sure that you do not admit liability in the wake of an accident.

If you admit liability after the accident you will not be able to make an insurance claim. The insurance company will insist that they do not owe you anything because you have admitted liability to the accident.

The best thing you can do is avoid making a statement to the insurance company until you have consulted the advice of an attorney.

Hire an Attorney

Insurance companies may dismiss your claim easily if you do not hire an attorney. There are several reasons why hiring an attorney could convince your insurance company that you are serious.

First, your attorney will be able to present your case in the best way possible. Attorneys are trained to analyze the law and apply the facts to the law.

Next, your attorney will be able to help you hire expert witnesses in order to accurately present your case during trial. Expert witnesses are often essential to helping you accurately present your damages to the fact finder.

Your attorney will be able to collect witness statements and evidence that will assist you in proving that the insurance company should pay your claim. Your attorney can go to the scene of the accident and do an accident recreation stimulation. This will assist you in proving that your version of the accident is what actually happened.

Of course, it is not absolutely necessary for you to hire an attorney. (In fact, there are several things that you should consider before you hire an attorney) However, the fact remains that insurance companies often do not take plaintiffs seriously unless they have an attorney.

Make a Detailed Claim

If you are filing a claim with your insurance company then you should make sure that the claim is complete. Include as much information as you can in your claim. This will help the insurance company determine whether your claim is valid.


It is important to know that your insurance company is not your friend. The insurance company has their bottom line in mind when they are dealing with insured parties.

They want to settle your claim as soon as possible for as little money as possible.

Before you settle your claim, you should make sure to discuss your situation with an attorney if you feel that the insurance company is attempting to take advantage of you.

The lawyers at Stoy Law Group offer free case evaluations to individual who are attempting to determine what their rights. Our experienced lawyers will also help you deal with the insurance company so that the insurance company knows that they will not take advantage of you.